Text to speech synthesis systems in Indian languages


IIT Madras has been working on building text to speech synthesis (TTS) systems since 2004 with funding from IBM and MeiTY. Initial efforts were on building small footprint TTS systems in the unit selection framework. Since 2009, IIT Madras has led a consortium of Institutions for building TTS systems in multiple Indian languages.


This is a project on developing text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis systems for Indian languages, improving quality of synthesis, as well as small foot print TTS integrated with disability aids and various other applications. This is a consortium based project funded by the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeiTY), Government of India involving 23 institutions and SMT, IITM being one of them.


   TTS Team, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
About :- TTS Team, IIT Madras, Chennai